Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Journey Continues...

My journey to re-inventing myself continues. In the last week, I have learned some amazing things about myself. Actually, in the last month, I have learned some amazing things about myself some of which I will be willing to share. The rest, well, you'll have to keep following my journey as I reveal more.

I have learned:
that I have grown tremendously
that I am still growing
that I am willing to be transparent without fear
that it really doesn't matter what you think about me
that I am passionate about ALOT of things
that I am willing to speak out and take a stand
that this blog is just the beginning
that we should ALWAYS be grateful for the smallest things
that I enjoy being loved and loving people

See, now that wasn't so bad, was it? I know you thought it was going to be some 'deep stuff', but as you can see, growth really does lie in simplicity.

I've grown weary of 'deep stuff'. I just want to live free. Free from worry, free from restraints and constraints, free to be who God created me to be. I am well on my way and it feels damn good.

1 comment:

  1. I am on a similar journey and it is so empowering to be "aware"! "The basis of your life is freedom; the purpose of your life is joy" --Abraham. It's as simple as that :-) Ahhh, life is good.
